
African Ministry

Rev. Machuta

Forgotten Saints Ministry has had the pleasure of working with intern student from many of the seminaries in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. We’ve had the honor of seeing many students called to dedicate their careers to working with the elderly wherever the Lord sends them.

Forgotten Saints Ministry’s involvement in Zambia began with just such an intern student. Egidio Machuta was (and still is) the head of Paglory College and Pastor of a church in Zambia. In the 90s, Rev. Machuta came to Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas for further training. It was there that he discovered Chaplain Ed’s internships in ministering to the elderly and quickly signed up. He was so moved by this time with Ed that he stayed for several more years and continued to hone his ministry skills. During that time, Chaplain Ed also helped to develop a curriculum for training Rev. Mahuta’s students in Zambia all about meeting the special spiritual needs of the elderly.

Today, Rev. Machuta is back in Zambia running his college and leading his church. Ministry to the elderly continues to play a key role in both.

Canadian Ministry
The Canadian branch of the ministry is still in developmental stages. We will update this site when it is ready for others to become involved.

Reverend Egidio Machuta